Saturday, April 7, 2007
Previous man friends would kid me about my "crush" on John Winters. I would wake up with or without a visitor and hit channel 8 so I can see John. Normally, I dislike weather people in general with the exception of an old one my grandmother loved, Roy Leep. I remember the dog. Anyway, John Winter is special. He held your attention, he didn't seem to take things so serious (jokes played not weather) however, he had a lonesome one type of persona in my opinion.

I was quite shocked he didn't continue to live in Pinellas County, most native types continue living in the county, and don't dare cross the bridge. I am a troll I live under the bridge (ha)

Back to my point. On Friday morning, I clicked on the tv to get the weather from Channel 10 because John had been filling in for the evening shift (which thrilled me nonetheless) and I couldn't bare to change the channel. Regardless, morning weather is not the same, the community is not the same and I feel horrible for the friends and family that lost him. I feel horrible that I lost him. Many copycats are seething at the moment to make this about them. When in fact suicide, depression and the like are to be handled by professionals. I won't play armchair quarterback here, and no loss of life is similar, it's all personal, I pray that he is at peace and his friends find peace in his transition to heaven.

Tampa lost a resident that cared and it seems somewhere along the line, he didn't realize it. He didn't realize how important he was to each of us.

Make today a brighter place for your family and loved ones, let them know you care. Don't dwell and have to enter it on a guestbook, do it now while they know it.


posted by Nite Cricket at 1:48 PM |