Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hillsborough County School Board member has moved from the district that elected her. Does anyone seem to really care? As a constituent this should bother many a voters. I can understand the delemmia of getting divorced, losing 50 percent of another income. What I cannot understand is why after the ethics opin from Tallahassee and the local board, why is this person still in office.

The ethical stance should be, you don't live here, you can't represent here. When you take the oath of office, you take the oath to follow the rules. How can you enforce rules or regulations that you yourself do not follow. As a voter this should be a concern.

With my recent move, I can appreciate the upheaval, SERIOUSLY. However, I can also understand that if a job says you must live in a certain area, you must live there or give up that job. I have held 2 specific jobs that have mandatated where I live. When I wanted to move, I left those jobs.

It's time to start following the rules folks.


posted by Nite Cricket at 7:09 AM |